Saturday, July 25, 2009

lincoln - baltimore

Well we're back on the road again! The journey must be completed. We got to Hertz in the morning and rented a mom van. Her name is Jolene. She stole us away from Kevin. Too fitting. We're running against the clock at this point trying to make it there in time to do a little thrift shopping. The unexpected time change (even tho we just went north) lost us an hour. Susan used to live here so she knew the ropes. Unfortunately we only got to one. We're starting to think our perceptive of fashion is in the eye of the beholder. Does this work? YES. Does anyone else think it looks good? Possibly not. But we don't care at this point.

We headed over to dinner with Craig, an old flame of Cubed (aka susie q), and received plates with food large enough to feed a family of 5. I didn't have time to take a pic. I was too hungry. Went over to Craig's place for a tour and drink then met up with our home for the night. Susan's friend Rachel put us up. Now let's drink! Louisville ruled seeing as the drinks were $2. I'LL TAKE 10 PLEASE. Nachbar proved a good one and I felt right at home as everyone looked like they were from Brooklyn. Beards across the board. Then we went over to another bar, some new one, and continued on our drinking journey. Louiville kind of kicked ass I gotta say. We took our drunken asses home and slept 5 hours before our loooooong journey to Baltimore.

Here's where I'd like to take a moment to talk about why Kentucky is Redneck. We had a few redneck moments. Here are a few (some with pics to accompany):
  • Billboards for God alongside the road...or Hell for that matter. Mind you they are all across the way from an adult book store billboard.
  • We bought beef jerkey from a dude in overalls and a basket walking down the street by the bar. Damn it was good.
  • We passed a field with a sign that said "USED COWS". We had a great conversation trying to figure out what that could potentially mean.
  • As we were leaving Louisville, someone's wheelbarrow fell off their truck
  • We saw an amish family traveling down the road in a horse and carriage
  • We looked into cars and saw the inbred kids staring back at us at gas stations. Scary.

After a 9 hour journey, a stop in Charleston West VirGINA for lunch, and a biblical rainstorm we finally made it to Baltimore. We were greeted by Elizabeth's friends Dave & Christian which then informed us to take EVERYTHING out of our car as it's Baltimore and someone will break into cars for a tshirt. Okkkkkkkk. They took us to a pizza joint near them where some funk band played so loud we couldn't hear each other. They did a pretty sweet cover of Pink Floyd Time tho. Alright, time for some Baltimore action. Our last day. It's so bittersweet.

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