Monday, November 8, 2010
new vid for sink or swim
Sarah Kuhn of Open Ocean directed this vid for an art show and it turned out pretty RADICAL i must say. not only does it look awesome but we had a blast making it too.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Magazine Party Launch Party!!

Come join me and some of the artists involved with the first issue of Magazine Party this Thursday for the launch party!
Thursday, October 28th
555 Metropolitan Ave
between Union and Lorimer
DJs: J Penry and Max Wowch
also check out the official blog for Magazine Party here!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

We've got a pretty radical show coming up this weekend. We're playing at Cameo Gallery with Warm Ghost and Pocket Niko. Warm Ghost is from BK bringing some dark electronic pop fuzz tracks while Pocket Niko hails from LA with his fun quirky synth jams. Come check out the show! Will be a good one...
Saturday, October 16th
93 N.6th St.
behind the loving cup
8pm >> Pocket Niko (
9pm >>>> Warm Ghost (
10pm >>>>> Open Ocean (
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
make some time for LCD
i was there

i was there for the 10 year anniversary of Making Time in philly with LCD Soundsystem
i was there up front, with my friends, dancing and sweating
i was there
congrats throw one killer party. i've gone so many times i don't even remember which was my first one. i remember dancing. and philly kids partying harder than anything in new york. i remember the after parties. i remember a garbage bag of beers at our hotel pool as the sun came up. i remember good times.
see you at the next one ;)

Monday, September 20, 2010

wanna get your own copy of MAGAZINE PARTY???? order one through me!!! i'm only making 100 copies in total and 60 of them are going out to stores. so that leaves 40 i'm selling myself. these are going to go REEEEAAAAAALLLLLL quick. so if ya'll want one, order one asap!!
email me at jill @ and i will give you the details. they are $25 including shipping. hand made with love.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
labor day = fun day
i didn't want to admit that summer was over. it's still warm! we can still have fun!! but after this past weekend i think i have laid summer to rest and am welcoming fall to a new location in my heart.

and here is where the weekend took yet ANOTHER unexpected turn. i thought i was going home that day....BUT NO. it was gordon's bday and he invited us to his folks home in warwick, just 30 min away. WE'RE IN! so a few of us ran off to the mystical world of the Hulls. we got ice cream and then went to the drive-in movie theatre and watched Machete under the stars. then came back to the homefront and went apple picking on their orchard at midnight while finding shooting stars.

let's go back to last wed when i received a text from Gordon Hull asking me if i wanted to join in his bday road trip to DC for 24 hours to visit museums for the day. hmmmm, lemme think, crap crap i have shit to do, but YESSSS! count me in.
so in the car we went. gordon, brian.....and me. three amigos. we got into DC late, passed out, and awoke ready for a day of art. we hit up the alan ginsberg exhibit, then edvard munch, then rothko, then lunch at the american indian museum (yumm), then yves klein (truly inspiring), and finally the air+space museum. don't think they've changed that exhibit since the 80s, no joke. whirlwind journey! but so worth it.

then.......we move on to the next stage of craziness. a trip upstate to jon santos' house where 50+ people have decided to camp out on his lawn and join in the fun at the rave barn down the road. that's right, a RAVE in a BARN. we danced for hours and took breaks by the bonfire. then passed out to the noise of wind through the trees. ahhhhhh. the following day we chilled hard core. i mean i did absolutely nothing for about 6 hours. it was great.
i love being a hippie at heart.

woke up the next morning to the smell of blueberry pancakes being made by gordie's mom. delish let me tell ya. then we moved on to the park where we ate sandwiches, swung on the swings, and then played petanque. i sucked. more ice cream stop. then it's swim time! follow that up with more food and that's pretty much my day. oof!
oh yeah and then back in nyc i went to j penry's bbq late night style and was greeted with a bb gun where i shot at a modelo and then shotgunned it. i'm a great shot.

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